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Armenians on the Internet

Armenian Bar Association
Website address: http://www.armenianbar.org/
Topics: Professional links, Newsletter, Committees, New York Life insurance litigation update, Member news

Brief Summary: The Armenian Bar Association is the largest organization of Armenian judges, attorneys, and law students outside of Armenia. The Armenian Bar Association was formed in 1989 to provide an arena for lawyers of Armenian heritage and other interested individuals to come together socially and professionally and to address the legal concerns of the Armenian community. With the creation of an independent Republic of Armenia, the Association undertook the task of helping to build and encourage the growth of democratic institutions in Armenia. The Association is a forum in which attorneys with different backgrounds and at different stages of their careers share their expertise and insight. The cooperation also takes the form of pro bono assistance and legal education seminars geared toward raising community awareness of rights and responsibilities. The Association is committed to serve the profession of law, the interests of its members, and the rights of its constituents.

The website has a new page on the New York Life insurance litigation, including a list of Armenians insured by New York Life before the Armenian Genocide.

Armenian Diaspora
Website address: http://www.armeniadiaspora.com/
Topics: News, Links, Inside Armenia, Entertainment, Travel

Brief Summary: The Armenia Diaspora website provides information and links for the Armenian Diaspora.