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Armenians on the Internet

Windy Dunbar
Staff Writer

20 Voices


Main Categories:
The Events, The Survivors/Provinces, Ellis Island, The Museum, The Movie/The Filmmaker, Donate.

Brief Summary:
This website was established by Araz Artinian, a filmmaker from Canada, who recently showcased her documentary, ?The Genocide in Me,? containing footage from interviews with twenty Genocide survivors. The website contains extra footage and more extensive information about the twenty survivors. There is a map of Ottoman Turkey that allows you to select a historic Armenian province and hear a survivor?s story. The site then displays a survivor?s face and voice revealing incredible details about personal disasters during the Genocide. Artinian also provides a video about Genocide survivors passing through Ellis Island, as well as information about a project that will showcase a collection of photographs and history of pre-1915 Armenian objects. It will become a virtual museum available on the website as an interactive exhibit.